buy golden teacher mushroom spores

Golden Teacher Spore Syringe

What are spore syringes?

Our Golden Teacher Psilocybe Cubensis spore syringes contain magic mushroom spawn in a sterile solution. This is to lessen the chances of contamination prior to study. It’s a great way to store spores that are intended to be used within a few months. Our Luer lock syringes keep your solution safe and sterile.

How long do spore syringes last?

Like any perishable item, the manner in which you store your specimen will determine the shelf life. We recommend that you keep Psilocybe Cubensis spore syringes refrigerated if you don’t intend to use them immediately. In this manner you can safely store your spore syringes for as long as 6 months. If you need to store your spores for a longer period of time, we recommend our Spore Prints instead.

Magic mushrooms and stomach problems

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Which Mushrooms To Use For Different Illnesses

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How to Get Legal Psychedelics in Colorado

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First legal mushroom dispensary in U.S. opens in Ybor City

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